Can You Stop a Windshield Crack From Spreading?

If your windshield is cracked or chipped while you are traveling, you may not have the time to stop and have it repaired immediately. In the meantime, you may need to make a temporary repair until you can take your car to the shop to replace or repair your windshield.

Leaving the crack alone will only allow it to grow larger, resulting in the need for a total windshield replacement. If you don’t have it in your budget for a full windshield replacement, we recommend these temporary repairs until you can bring your car into Three Rivers Auto Glass for windshield repair.

Temporary windshield repair Avoid Extreme Temperatures on the Windshield

Your windshield will expand and contract when it is exposed to fluctuating temperatures. This can cause your windshield crack to spread easily across your windshield. To prevent this, we recommend keeping your windshield out of direct sunlight and avoid exposing the windshield to freezing temperatures.

Operate Your Vehicle with Caution

Another way you can keep the crack from getting bigger is to drive cautiously. This means going slowly over speed bumps, shutting doors gently, and taking turns slower. Not driving carefully can cause the crack to grow immensely, resulting in the need for a full windshield replacement.

Call a Mobile Auto Glass Repair Specialist

The best way to resolve the issue is to have the chip or crack repaired as soon as possible. This can be done by calling a mobile auto glass repair specialist that offers same-day service. If you have a minor chip or crack, the repairs can be done in a few minutes to get back on the road safely.

Use Superglue on the Windshield Crack

While this isn’t ideal, you can use superglue on the crack if you’re in a pinch. Start by cleaning away any dirt or debris around and within the crack. This can be done by using rubbing alcohol or soap and water.

You will then use a dropper to apply a small amount of glue to the crack. The tip of the dropper can be used to spread out the glue evenly. Once that is complete, use a lint-free cloth or alcohol wipe to remove any excess glue. Use light pressure to prevent making the crack bigger.

If you choose to use super glue, there is a chance you won’t be able to get a professional auto glass repair done because it can be difficult or impossible to remove the super glue from the crack.

Use Nail Polish on the Crack

Clear nail polish can also serve as a temporary fix to keep the crack from growing until professional repairs can be made. Again, just like super glue, this should be done as a last resort because it can be difficult to perform a professional repair once the nail polish is applied.

Visit Three Rivers Auto Glass for Windshield Repairs

At Three Rivers Auto Glass, we can repair small chips or cracks in your windshield with ease. We can also perform a total windshield replacement if needed. Contact us today to learn more!

Denny Toth