Why Won’t My ADAS Calibrate? A Guide for Car Owners

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are an advanced automotive technology, offering a suite of safety features that go beyond simple braking and steering, often venturing into the realms of semi-autonomous capabilities.

Why Won't My ADAS Calibrate? A Guide for Car OwnersFrom lane-keeping assistance to adaptive cruise control, these systems rely on a complex network of sensors and technologies. However, as a concerned car owner, you might be one among the many who have asked the question, “Why won’t my ADAS calibrate?” Let’s delve deep into this issue and guide you through understanding and fixing some of the common problems that arise.

An Overview of ADAS and the Calibration Process

Before we jump into troubleshooting, let’s explore the realm of ADAS more thoroughly.

ADAS includes a variety of features designed to assist the driver, ensuring safety and, in some cases, even enhancing the driving experience. These technologies often rely on a sophisticated combination of cameras, sensors, radars, and control units to function optimally.

What is ADAS Calibration?

Calibration is a crucial process that ensures all components of ADAS are in sync and providing accurate data to the vehicle’s computer. When a car is manufactured, the system is calibrated to work within specific parameters for optimum safety and performance. Over time, factors such as wear and tear or collisions can impact this calibration, prompting the need for recalibration.

Signs Your ADAS System is Not Working Correctly

One of the most common signs that your ADAS system is not functioning correctly is a warning light on your dashboard. This could indicate an issue with one or more of the components, such as a camera sensor or radar module.

Another sign may be improper functioning of specific ADAS features, such as lane departure warning or automatic emergency braking. If you notice these features are not working as they should or are not available, it could be a sign of a calibration issue.

Common Reasons for Calibration Failure

Here are some of the most frequent reasons why your ADAS might fail to calibrate.

Environmental Factors

Unfavorable conditions, such as poor weather or extreme temperatures, can disrupt the calibration process. Even daily factors like changing tires or windshield replacement can unsettle sensors.

Sensor Damage or Misalignment

Any physical impact that affects the sensors or their position, either directly or as a result of another repair, can lead to calibration issues. Sensors can become damaged or misaligned due to accidents, potholes, or improper installation.

Windshield Replacement and ADAS Recalibration

As a car owner, you may have had your windshield replaced at some point. However, what you might need to be aware of is that this seemingly simple process can significantly impact your ADAS calibration. Since many ADAS components are linked to the windshield, they will need to be recalibrated to ensure they are in good working order.

Vehicle Misalignment  and ADAS Recalibration

If your car has been in a collision or had any major repairs, it is possible that the vehicle’s overall alignment may have been affected. This can cause sensors to be misaligned, leading to calibration failure.

Dirty Cameras or Sensors

The cameras and sensors that makeup ADAS need to be clean and free from obstructions to function properly. Dirt, debris, or even stickers can interfere with their operation, causing calibration issues. Cameras are typically located on the trunk and C-pillar as well as in the windshield.

Steps to Troubleshoot Calibration Issues

If you’re facing calibration problems with your car’s ADAS, here are the steps you can follow to identify the root cause and, hopefully, resolve the issue.

Checking for Error Codes

Modern vehicles are equipped with diagnostic systems that often give away the source of the problem through error codes. The first step is to check for any codes related to the ADAS.

Verifying Sensor Alignment

Physical inspection of the sensors and their alignment is a manual but necessary step. Sometimes, the sensors could have been nudged slightly out of place without your knowledge.

Updating Software and Firmware

Your vehicle’s manufacturer may release updates to rectify known issues. Ensuring that your system’s software and firmware are up-to-date can fix many calibration snags.

Seeking Professional Assistance

If your best efforts don’t yield results, it’s time to consult a professional. A certified technician will have the tools and expertise to pinpoint and resolve the problem.

The Crucial Importance of Proper Calibration

Understanding why proper calibration is more than just an optional tune-up can save lives.

Safety and Performance Benefits

The difference between a well-calibrated ADAS and one that is off by even a fraction can be the difference between avoiding a collision and being in one. Calibrated systems ensure that emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring, and other critical features are aligned with reality.

Legal Compliance

In many jurisdictions, the legal requirement for your vehicle’s roadworthiness extends to the condition of its ADAS. Non-compliance could result in fines or even invalidate your insurance in case of an accident.

Don’t Put Off Your ADAS Calibration

If you’ve been putting off or have yet to consider calibrating your ADAS, now is the time to act.

Schedule Regular Check-Ups

Just as you wouldn’t skip a regular health check, your vehicle’s ADAS needs routine inspections to keep you safe.

Be Proactive After Maintenance Work

Whenever you perform a maintenance procedure that requires adjustments or replacements in or around the ADAS components, such as a windshield replacement, make it a point to follow up with a calibration check.

Work with Three Rivers Auto Glass Today!

In conclusion, your ADAS is a network of tools designed to protect you and other road users. By being knowledgeable about the calibration process and recognizing the warning signs of a system in need, you take an active role in preserving its integrity.

At Three Rivers Auto Glass, we offer expert ADAS calibration in Pittsburgh to keep you safe on the road. Contact us today to learn more!

Denny Toth