As a car owner, you know that car insurance is a vital part of being out on the road and is required for you to own and operate your vehicle. Your car insurance protects you and others from excessive fees in the event that your car is stolen, damaged, or involved in an accident. The cost of your insurance premium will depend on the type of vehicle you drive and the likelihood that you’ll be in an accident.
With many restaurants, shops, salons, and other businesses still shut down, even as Pittsburgh moves into the green phase, traffic has thinned out, and many people are no longer commuting daily. With fewer cars on the road, it is less likely that accidents and bumper-to-bumper traffic will occur.
You may not be driving as often during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have you debating whether or not you should lower your coverage or pause your coverage altogether.
Three Rivers Auto Glass has prepared these tips for you and your car insurance.
Do You Need Car Insurance During COVID-19?

If you are still driving to essential places such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and other essential businesses, we do not advise canceling your car insurance since it is required by law. In some cases, car insurance providers are offering discounted rates or even percentage paybacks for your monthly fees to help people during these challenging times. The best thing you can do before making any decisions is to call your car insurance provider to see how they are handling this situation and what your options are if you are driving less. Rather than canceling, consider these ideas:
- Have your coverage reduced to the legal “bare minimum.”
- Consider removing your teenager(s) from your secondary driver insurance because they won’t likely be driving the vehicle without you.
- You can lower your mileage driven per year since you are commuting less.
- You may also want to increase your deductibles since now is an ideal time to take on the risk.
With many people working less or not at all during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become necessary to cut costs wherever we can right now. We hope these tips can help you save some money on your car insurance as we continue in the yellow phase of PA’s reopening plan.
Professional Auto Glass Repair
If you do experience a
damaged windshield while taking a trip to the grocery store or other essential errand run, Three Rivers Auto Glass can help! We provide professional, affordable auto glass repair in Pittsburgh to help you keep your car in safe, working order.
Denny is an expert in auto glass repair and paint protection. He has been working through Three Rivers Auto Glass to provide these services and spread knowledge to those in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas.
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